Request Management Platform
Welcome to the requestbox REST API. Any POST data will need to be in the JSON format. The response will also return information in JSON. In the case of an error, a relevant status code will be returned and any other relevant information in the response body as JSON.
Some functions can complete with warnings (for example when it can't find a match for a control value when creating a request). Information about these will be returned in the response. It is also possible to prevent the function from completing if there are any warnings by passing the relevant parameters.
Authentication is done via Basic HTTP Authorization. The username is ApiKey and the password the value of your key.
Authorization: Basic [Base64EncodedUserNameAndPassword]
To get or generate your API key go to your requestbox API page.
Authentication example

HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();

httpClient.baseAddress = httpclient.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://requestbox.net//api/[UrlParameter]/");

string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ApiKey:[MyApiKeyValue]"));

httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", base64);
Matching field values
When passing field values, certain fields will attempt to match the incoming value with the value in requestbox. If it can't find a match a warning will be added to the result.
Special cases

User drop down fields: Will try to match on the email or full name of the user

Datastore drop downs: Will need to pass the DatastoreColumnName property. Will attempt to match on the chosen column

Field maps

Field maps can be created in requestbox to create custom mapping rules. You pass this via the FieldMap property. If no direct match is found from the incoming value it will then attempt to match based on the field map.

Custom item and datastore drop downs are currently supported. You can map zero, one or many values to each item.

There are the following limits on the number of API calls. Per second: 1, Per minute: 60, Per hour: 500
Create a request
https://requestbox.net//api/[UrlParameter]/create-request Post
Creates a request
This function creates a new request. You must provide either the request type id (you can find this on the manage request page in requestbox) or the request type and box name. Optionally you can provide a list of control values.
Body Parameters
RequestTypeId Integer Required (when not passing BoxName and RequestTypeName params)
The Id of the request type
RequestTypeName string Required (when not passing RequestTypeId param)
The name of the request type
BoxName string Required (when not passing RequestTypeId param)
The name of the box the request type belongs to
Status string
The name of the status for the new request. If not included the default status will be used.
SendEmailId integer
The id of an email you want to send after the request is created.
ErrorOnWarning boolean
true or false depending on if you want the request to be created when warnings are found
CustomFieldData object array
Collection of custom field values.
FieldName string required
The name of the field
Value variable
The value of the field
IsUniqueField boolean
true or false depending on if the field should be unique. If a request already exists with this value a new request will not be created
FieldMap string
The name of a field map created in requestbox. This can be used to map incoming values to a fields value when no direct match exists. For example when matching to a drop down items.
FallBackValue variable
A value to use if no valid match can be found with the primary value.
DropDownSettings object
Settings specific to drop down fields
DatastoreColumnName string
The name of the column used for matching incoming values to items
Response Body
Status string
success or error. If ErrorOnWarning is true this will be have the value of error when there are one or more warnings
Message string
Descriptive result message.
Warnings object array
Collection of any warnings detected
Type string
The type of warning
Message string
The warning message
Request object
The created request object
Id integer
The id of the request
RequestTypeId integer
The id of the request type
RequestTypeName string
The name of the request type
BoxName string
The name of the box the request type belongs to
Status status
The status of the request
CreatedDate dateTime
The created date of the request
UpdatedDate dateTime
The updated date of the request
Create a request example

public class CreateRequestInput
                        public int RequestTypeId { get; set; }

                        public List<CustomFieldData> CustomFieldData { get; set; } = new List<CustomFieldData>();

public class CustomFieldData
                        public string FieldName { get; set; }

                        public string Value { get; set; }

public void CreateRequest(){
                        CreateRequestInput input = new CreateRequestInput();

                        input.RequestTypeId = 500;

                        input.CustomFieldData.Add(new CustomFieldData {
                        FieldName = "RequestName",
                        Value = "MyReqName"

                        string jsonPostContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input);

                        StringContent bodyContent = new StringContent(jsonPostContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                        var response = _client.PostAsync("create-request", bodyContent).Result;

Example Response
Get a request
https://requestbox.net//api/[UrlParameter]/get-request?requestId=[RequestId] Get
Gets information about a request
This function gets information about a requst. You must provide the request id.
Request Id integer Required
The id of the of the request
Response Body
Status string
success or error.
Message string
Descriptive result message.
Request object
The request object
Id integer
The id of the request
RequestTypeId integer
The id of the request type
RequestTypeName string
The name of the request type
BoxName string
The name of the box the request type belongs to
Status status
The status of the request
CreatedDate dateTime
The created date of the request
UpdatedDate dateTime
The updated date of the request
Get a request example
public void GetRequest(){

                        var response = _client.GetAsync("get-request?requestId=1000").Result;

Example Response
Search requests
https://requestbox.net//api/[UrlParameter]/search-requests Post
Searches requests and returns any that match the criteria
This function searches requests based on various search criteria. You specify search critera in the body of the request. Results are returned in batches of 100 and you can use the skip parameter to skip records already returned. If no search criteria is specified it will return all requests. Results are ordered by Created Date and then by Id.
Body Parameters
Skip integer
The number of requests to skip
RequestIdList integer array
A collection of ids that the requests belong to
RequestTypeIdList integer array
A collection of request type ids that the requests belong to
CreatedFromDate dateTime
The date that the request must be created after
UpdatedFromDate dateTime
The date that the request must be updated after
CustomFieldFilters object array
Collection of objects that represent filters based on the requests custom fields.
FieldName string required
The name of the field
Value variable
The value the field must match
FieldMap string
The name of a field map created in requestbox. This can be used to map incoming values to a fields value when no direct match exists. For example when matching to a drop down items.
FallBackValue variable
A value to use if no valid match can be found with the primary value.
DropDownSettings object
Settings specific to drop down fields
DatastoreColumnName string
The name of the column used for matching incoming values to items
Response Body
Status string
success or error.
Message string
Descriptive result message.
Total requests integer
The total count of all requests that match the search criteria.
Requests object array
Collection of request objects. Will return maximum of 100 records.
Id integer
The id of the request
RequestTypeId integer
The id of the request type
RequestTypeName string
The name of the request type
BoxName string
The name of the box the request type belongs to
Status status
The status of the request
CreatedDate dateTime
The created date of the request
UpdatedDate dateTime
The updated date of the request
Search requests example

public class SearchRequestInput {
                      public List<int> RequestTypeIdList {get; set;} = new List<int>();

public void SearchRequests(){

                      SearchRequestInput input = new SearchRequestInput();


                      string jsonPostContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input);

                      StringContent bodyContent = new StringContent(jsonPostContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                      var response = _client.PostAsync("search-requests",bodyContent).Result;

Example Response